It’s great to meet you all here, I am Howard Straus, the son of Charlotte Gerson, the grandson of Dr. Max Gerson, the “father of natural therapy” and of the Gerson Therapy. I am also the President of Gerson Health Media.
It has come to my attention that there is quite a bit of misunderstanding about the Gerson Therapy in China, and per the Chinese patients’ request, and for their safety, I would like to set the record straight.
First of all, the Gerson family and the Gerson Institute continue educating the world about the Gerson Therapy because we stand for the truth, a truth that has been long buried by the medical industry. We want the world to know that they can cure chronic disease, up to and including cancer, by working with the amazingly powerful human self-healing mechanism known as the “immune system,” as long as you give your body the correct nutrition from organic produce and remove the poisons you have absorbed using the right detox methods. We don’t do this to make lots of money, and we want to assure you without a doubt that we don’t, and won’t work with multi-level companies who falsely claim to represent the Gerson Therapy in China.
The Gerson Therapy is a precise, rigorous and comprehensive nutritional and detoxifying protocol to treat metabolic diseases, chronic disease and cancer. The Therapy was developed very carefully and scientifically by Dr. Max Gerson, and anything that is not part of the Gerson Therapy is NOT, and may not be called, the Gerson Therapy. There is no such thing as “The Gerson Method.” The reason it works is that the Therapy is very precise; so just because someone says a treatment is “similar,” it is NOT “The Gerson Therapy.”
The basis of the Gerson Therapy includes four pillars:
1) The Gerson Green Juices and Gerson Carrot and Carrot-Apple Juices 2) The Gerson diet, which has a very strict list of required foods and prohibited foods and food items. The preparation of the food is without salt, fat or sugar,and is free of animal protein. 3) The Coffee Enema. The detoxifying Coffee Enema is a critical part of the Gerson Therapy, but should not used in isolation. It is the most powerful detoxification we know of, and omitting it can endanger a patient's life! Or just doing coffee enemas alone without drinking the juices can also cause electrolyte imbalance and harm your health. You will not regain your health if you do only the coffee enema. 4) The Gerson supplements, which are actually the medication of the Gerson Therapy, correct and rebalance your mineral, enzyme and vitamin makeup, and enhance the immune system. When you have done all four of the above actions as recommended by Healing the Gerson Way, then you are doing the Gerson Therapy. Otherwise,you are NOT doing the Gerson Therapy, and we cannot, and will not be responsible for your results.
当您照着葛森新书《Healing the Gerson Way》(中译本:《正统葛森自愈全攻略》)的推荐(指导),做齐了这四大基石,汁—餐—灌—补,您才是在做葛森疗法(Gerson Therapy),否则,您都"不是"在做葛森疗法,那么所有的后果请自行承担。
The reason why not everyone can call their “Gerson-like” method the Gerson Therapy is because the Gerson therapy is such a specific protocol. Cancer and any other chronic diseases are all metabolic (lifestyle) diseases. The goal of the Gerson Therapy is to correct the health issues at the cellular level. All ingredients used for the Gerson Therapy must be organic, if they are not organic, you can't succeed on the Gerson Therapy, in fact, you won’t be doing the Gerson Therapy.The reason why the Gerson Therapy only uses organic produce is because organic produce contains 30% to 65% more nutrients and minerals than commercially grown produce, plus organic produce has no pesticides, so you won’t keep poisoning your body. GMOs are strictly forbidden.
The Gerson Therapy uses juices to flood the body with tremendous amounts of living enzymes,vitamins, minerals and potassium, so the cell damage can be repaired and the toxins in the cells can be pushed out of the cells into the bloodstream. The living enzymes reactivate all the biological functions that a healthy body needs. The toxins pushed out of the cells flow into the bloodstream, and are filtered out by the liver. The liver needs to be cleared out using the every-4-hours coffee enema. Please note, in the Gerson Therapy, there is no protocol of “one chamomile tea enema + one coffee enema.” And neither the Gerson family nor the Gerson Institute ever authorized any coffee supplier to use the name of “Gerson Therapy” as their coffee brand name.You need the coffee enema to detox the liver, not the chamomile tea. A chamomile tea enema isonly needed when the Gerson doctor thinks your colon is irritated, and needs to be soothed, e.g.:after diarrhea, or you can’t hold the enema when you first try the coffee enema.
The fresh, organic juices CAN NEVER BE replaced by pills. Pills don’t have any living enzymes,which are the key to the body’s survival. The Gerson diet is very important in healing the body,rebuilding organs and muscles. No fat, no salt, no sugar, following the strict low-animal-protein food list that is printed in the book “Healing The Gerson Way”. Low protein, all of it vegetable protein and NO animal protein, is essential for the body to heal, so the Gerson Therapy doesn't allow any animal protein food unless your Gerson doctor requests you to do so based on your blood work results. Supplementing the diet with protein powder only will worsen your health issues.
新鲜现榨的有机葛森汁絶对不能用人造营养素来替代。营养素没有任何活性酶,而活性酶是人体存活的关键。葛森餐对于治愈身体、重建器官及肌肉来说相当重要。无油、无盐、无糖及无动物性蛋白质的严格食物清单,都明列于葛森新书《Healing the Gerson Way》中(中译本: 《正统葛森自愈全攻略》)。低蛋白质饮食,只吃植物性蛋白质并戒吃动物性蛋白质,对于身体的治愈是必要的。在葛森疗法中是不允许任何动物性蛋白质,除非你的血液报告显示您需要而且由葛医处方后才能吃。补充蛋白粉只会恶化您的健康问题。
In the Gerson Therapy, the purity of the water is very important. Only the purest, preferably steam distilled water can help the body to completely flush out all the toxins, and not add any more. Any mineral or toxic impurity in the water can seriously affect the healing result by returning poison to the system, sabotaging your health. As far as I know the water in China is often highly polluted, so distilled water is really the only option when you do the Gerson Therapy. No water filter can remove enough of the pollutants to meet the high standards of the Gerson Therapy.
Next, The Gerson supplements. These are actually the medication to rebalance the patient's immune system, and repair their body’s metabolism. All the Gerson Therapy medications and why the patients have to take them are also described in the book “Healing the Gerson Way.” The Gerson Institute and the Gerson family don’t recommend any specific brand of supplements. The Gerson Institute has listed various supplements suppliers they know to be honest on their website, and in the final chapter in the book “Healing The Gerson Way.” So the sale price is transparent. On the Gerson Institute’s website, all the related equipment suppliers such as juicers and organic coffee are also listed. The way that multi-level companies work and how they sell their supplements are totally NOT the Gerson way, without even considering that they don't concentrate on the patients' need for balance, but only on their own balance sheet.
接下来是葛森补充品。这些特殊的补充品全是重新平衡病人免疫系统、修正代谢系统的药物。所有的葛森疗法药物及为什么病人需要使用它们的原因在葛森新书《Healing the Gerson Way》(中译本:《正统葛森自愈全攻略》)中都有详述。葛森机构及我们葛森家族不推荐任何特定品牌的补充品。葛森机构在官网 上和葛森新书的最后一章详列了机构认为诚实的所有供货商。售价都是公开透明的。葛森机构的官网也列出了所有相关设备的供应商,如:榨汁机、有机咖啡等。直销公司及直销商的销售方法完全不是正规葛森的做法。我们正规葛森也不会考虑使用任何直销商的产品,因为他们根本不是专注于病人的需求,而是专注于他们自己的利润。
Remember, the Gerson Therapy is a well-known therapy that has successfully defeated cancer and almost every chronic disease for over 90 years. There are many unethical people who illegitimately use the name for their own benefit without being authorized. The Gerson name has a century-long reputation for effectiveness, and many use our reputation for their own commercial purposes without giving their customers the benefit of the real Therapy. Please visit the correct website to get the right information about the Gerson Therapy. I publish all the educational media, you can find them on .
The Gerson Institute is the official non-profit organization founded by my mother, Charlotte Gerson,to train Gerson doctors worldwide and teach anyone who wishes to learn how to do the Gerson Therapy correctly. You will also need the book “Healing the Gerson Way,” Chinese edition, because it is the handbook of the Gerson Therapy. The traditional Chinese edition is already available in the market, and the simplified Chinese edition is on its way, it will be out very soon. Please only get the book from an authorized dealer. We have unfortunately seen some people who have pirated some of the content, and changed parts of it for their own profit. But this has harmed, and in some cases killed, trusting patients.
位于美国的葛森机构是葛森疗法的官方组织,为非营利的教育及训练中心,由我母亲夏绿蒂·葛森创办。葛森机构专职于训练全世界的正规葛医,并指导如何正确进行葛森疗法。学习葛森疗法,您一定需要葛森疗法的完全操作手册《Healing the Gerson Way》,繁中版《正统葛森自愈全攻略》已发行,简中版也即将发行。请只向授权书商购买正版书。不幸的是,我们看到中国已有许多盗版书出现。盗版商为了私利修改书的内容,山寨葛森已经伤害到不少病人的性命,也有人不幸死亡。
Certified Gerson doctors do not sell or suggest any supplements to benefit themselves financially,but the patients have to pay for their consulting sessions. Every Gerson doctor charges at whatever rate is proper for his office. You just have to find a doctor that you can trust to work with. If your doctor claims to be certified by the Gerson Institute, please make sure this is true by checking the Gerson Institute website. Patients can obtain Gerson supplements through the suppliers listed on the Gerson Institute’s website . The suppliers are also listed in the book“Healing the Gerson Way”. You can also find certified Gerson doctors on the Gerson Institute'swebsite.
Finally, I would like to thank many patients that have successfully regained their health for helping to spread the word about the true Gerson Therapy in China. Thank you for your help. I would like to encourage all you Chinese Gersoners to share your experience with other people, and let the love and the integrity of the Gerson Therapy to be carried throughout the China, and more people can be awakened, and regain their health successfully. As my grandfather Dr. Max Gerson said“The soil is our external metabolism.” Only if we have a healthy, organic environment, can the body heal. Hopefully and eventually, with the help of healthy people, the environment in China can also be rescued.
正統葛森只以新鮮有機的中焙至淺焙咖啡來解肝毒,大陸山寨葛大量進的咖啡看包裝,是從台灣進口的。可是事實上,台灣根本沒生產那麼多的有機咖啡豆,所以豆子來源不明,另外,顏色及香味,較接近正統葛森不可使用的深烘焙。在美國,加拿大及台灣的直銷商,甚至大陸某些直銷的上級經銷商,自己本身都不用DY那群人所進的咖啡來咖灌,而是用我微博上提到的cafemam淺中焙及s.a. Wilson 淺焙咖啡灌腸,背後原因請自己猜。而且葛森禁盐,大陸山寨葛卻一堆咖灌時加盐,除了地雷還是地雷! 另外,正統葛森只強調咖啡灌腸,洋甘菊是拿來鎮靜,不具備任何解毒攻效。為了商業原因,山寨葛自創了一咖灌一洋甘菊的做法。(正統葛森灌腸,請參考葛森正統書第十五章,192 頁)
在做葛森療法時,這本翻自最新葛森書Healing the Gerson Way的"正統葛森自癒全攻略:成功擊敗癌症及慢性病"是不可或缺的工具書;它也是可喚醒世人的知識大全,目前華人區坊間的葛森亂象,全都是因為少了這本書。請有緣人若看到此篇文章時,也能努力幫忙在自己的line,群組或臉書頁面上分享此書的訊息,目前葛森療法互助園的預購特價已結束,未趕上預購者不用擔心,出版社也給互助園的葛友們持續性地八折優惠。2016年二月底三月時,大家也可在台灣全省各大書店及網路書店或淘寶上的代購店買到此書,只是價格不像預購價如此優惠。讓我們大家一起努力,希望能翻轉主流醫學,喚醒大眾,打造台灣或華語區為無毒有機的快樂健康寶島或國度,完成老葛森醫生的心願:"世界上再也無疾病!"謝謝大家!