2017年12月9日 星期六


翻自葛森機構前主廚 Susan Duniphin的文章 "A Strategy for Cooking Gerson Cuisine烹調葛森美食的策略"
A Strategy for Cooking Gerson Cuisine
by Susan Duniphin, former Gerson chef
  • Garlic = hot and pungent
  • Yogurt = sour, cooling and oily
  • Onion = sweet and pungent
  • Lettuce = light and cool
  • Radish = pungent and hot
  • Greens = bitter and salty
  • Carrot = sweet
  • Asparagus = sweet and cool
  • Potato = cooling and dry
  • Pumpkin = sweet and heavy

“Knowing your produce is the key element to creating great Gerson cuisine. And knowing your produce requires understanding the intrinsic qualities of each individual vegetable, fruit and herb. Before you begin tossing vegetables in the pot, take a moment and think about the predominant flavors and textures of each item. Tapping into the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda (the traditional natural healing system of India) is one way of getting to know your produce. Ayurvedic cooking can help us understand these intrinsic qualities. According to both Ayurveda and the Gerson Therapy, right diet is the essence of disease prevention and few if any fiseases can be healed without it. Ayurvedic cooking methods are not limited to Indian cooking and can be integrated into Gerson cooking. I will be utilizing the concept of rasa or taste to explain how you can combine Gerson approved ingredients to create delicious meals. Let’s explore the tastes and intrinsic qualities available to our palates.
They are: Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, Pungent (spicy or hot), Astringent, Light or Heavy, Hot (increase digestion) or Cooling (decrease digestion). Oily or Dry
Balancing tastes and qualities will help us to easily create great Gerson meals. I recommend the following steps:
Ask yourself, “What is the predominant flavor (intrinsic quality) of each individual vegetable I have available in my home or refrigerator?” Some answers:
Which items are high in water content and therefore usable as layers for cooking other vegetables? Some answers: Onion, Summer Squash, Apple, Tomatoes, Oranges, Grapefruit and Lemons
Next, begin pairing up some of the items you have in your home according to their tastes. It often works best if you pair opposite qualities to balance the flavors of the end result. For example, pairing (sweet) tomatoes with (hot and pungent) garlic is always a winner.
But maybe you did not think about pairing (bitter and salty) greens with (sweet and sour) oranges and lemons. Now think about the qualities of light or heavy and oily or dry, which will create the mouth-feel that all too often makes or breaks a dish. An example may be baked (cooked) vegetable-laden brown rice in red bell peppers and finishing it off with a tangy lemon yogurt sauce. Here we have the sweet, heavy and moist attributes of rice blended with the sweet, light and oily red bell pepper and finished with sour, cooling yogurt.
To some, this may all sound daunting while to others, it can be exciting and challenging. I highly recommend that first and foremost, you make it fun and start off simple. Perhaps to begin with using only three ingredients. Then, work your way up to creating a Gerson sauce that is sweet, pungent, slightly salty, sour and heavy. An answer for those qualities could be creamed spinach sauce made with lemon juice, garlic and yogurt. 
The possibilities are endless! After all, you spend most of your time at the Gerson Nurse’s Station (a.k.a. The Kitchen), why not make it a fun learning experience? Soon, combining intrinsic qualities of fruits, vegetables and herbs will come as second nature.”

2017年12月7日 星期四




希望有需要葛森資訊的人能原諒我的自私,之前因為我無私大量分享了免費的珍貴資料,而造成想以葛森營利的商人倒閉關門,或是規畫要做橫跨港台葛森事業的商人計畫完全失敗,我擋人財路所以罪該萬死,還因為替病人代申訴,我這個大黑鍋因此為自己惹下麻煩事。為了躲避這些商人們,我只能閉上嘴巴,完全退出與葛森療法有關的所有群組,專心去過我自己的生活。但是想學習者,請至美國葛森機構 www.gerson.org 找尋您要的課程,很快地,相關線上課程影片也會提供中文字幕,更容易學習。




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